Monday, September 12, 2011

Niche Vs Supersite: Google Adsense Earnings

As I have said before – there are plenty of different ways to build your Google Adsense earnings and generate a location independent, passive income. I focus a lot of blogging because I really enjoy it as a format. But that’s own preference…

If like me, you want to take the blogging route to making money online, you are going to need a big blog, and that means building a lot of content. Unfortunately (in most niches) it is not possible to keep building new content about the same thing indefinitely. So you are going to have to decide on your long term Adsense income strategy. Let’s look at the options then shall we…?
Option 1 – stay niche

You started in your niche, it’s going well, why would you want to do anything but develop it further? Sticking to your niche means blogging about the same thing but constantly finding new tips, new angles etc.

The advantage to this option is that you stick to what your readers expect to read, the blog remains much more focussed on your core readership and every post is appropriate to every reader. After all – loyal readers build blog traffic fast.

No matter how engrossed you are in a topic, when you are writing a minimum of 2 or 3 posts a week about various aspects of the same niche, it can sometimes get very difficult to constantly come up with new ideas for content.

You will almost certainly have days where you can’t think of anything to write about and this is going to result in your blog not growing as fast as you might like, or worse your content will not be of the high quality that it needs to be.
Option 2 – diversify, build a supersite

If you have started carving a little niche in one area, why not explore another related area or two… or three, or four. For any given niche there are likely at least half a dozen related niches that you could explore. If you are expert at one there is a good chance that you know a thing or two about the others.

The advantage to this strategy is that you get the opportunity to explore new areas, there is a good chance that a lot of these new topics will be of interest to your existing users, but you will also gain a lot of new readers. You will also have access to a substantially larger pool of topics to blog about and you can really get stuck in and create an authoritative site covering a whole range of subjects relating to a broader topic.

The only real con to this option is that it is possible to alienate your older readers, who may not be as interested in your new topics. It is important to mix up what you blog about, don’t just blog about one subject for more than 2 or 3 consecutive posts. Also, try to relate posts in one topic to other topics you write about.

So which option should you choose?
Well I can’t really answer that. Both options can work brilliantly, and in reality what you choose will depend on you and the topics that you know how to write about.
You need to consider the quality of the posts you are capable of creating and the scalability of any potential areas you might blog about. Of course you only need to have a look at my blog to have a good guess which option I prefer.

Decide on your long term strategy and start planning for it now
If you are going to follow a few topics, you stand a much better chance of keeping your loyal readers if you blog about a few topics right from the start. You can also plan your navigation structure in advance so that it works well in the future.
On the other hand, if you intend to stay niche, you are going to have to come up with a strategy for how you are going to make sure that you are able to think of new content and interesting discussions.
As always, the key is planning. You can take whichever route works best for you, but if you know where you are going right from the start, your journey will be a lot smoother.

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