Monday, September 12, 2011

Why Buy SBI?

There are two options I recommend for building a website...
1) Buy a domain and a web hosting plan @ and useArtisteer or my web templates to create your site. You can also create a blog as well.
If you choose option #1, you will save money, but there is no help for building traffic and making money with your site. You're on your own (with the exception of the free tutorials I offer for customers.)
If you choose Site Build It!, you will receive step-by-step advice, a video action guide, site builder and forum support.

What Does SBI! Offer?

Tools, Tools and More Tools
The biggest gift of SBI! is the suite of tools. With your yearly (or monthly) fee, you receive...
  • A domain name
  • Hosting
  • Web page templates
  • Site builder
  • A mailing list manager
  • Autoresponder
  • Marketing help
  • Brainstorming tool (to help choose a "profitable" topic)
  • A link tracker
  • An SEO "Analyze It!" tool (to help with search engine rankings) and so much more.
All the tools you need to begin your site are in one place and you'll have a Video Action Guide at your disposal to guide you along their 10-day process from start to finish.
There is no software to download with SBI!. Everything is provided from the customer login area.
All of the above are included with your subscription fee. There are no hidden costs.
Friendly Forums
As an SBI! customer, you will have access to post on the member forums to ask questions and chat with other successful SBI! owners. It's a great place to bounce ideas off other customers and get suggestions for your site along the way.
Money Back Guarantee
I know the creator of Site Build It! personally. I had the pleasure of working for SiteSell for a short time. Ken Evoy is a man of his word and he stands by his product.
If for any reason you don't like SBI! you can get a full refund in the first 30 days. (The refund is prorated beyond this period.)

Do I Have to Use the SBI! Templates?

Most customers choose to use the SBI! templates simply because it's easier and faster. You don't have to know any HTML or programming to build your site with SBI! so many people choose that route and make plans to redesign at a later time.
However, if you want to use your own software and learn how to design your site, you may certaily do that as I did with my own SBI! site,

Why Buy SBI! When There are Cheaper Options?

I get this question a lot and it's a very valid one. After all, why pay $29/month when there are hosting options for $10/mo. or less?
Well hopefully now you know the answer to that question after reading about the many tools and help you will receive. But just in case you are still on the fence, I asked a few other SBI! owners the same question and here are their responses...
Why did you buy SBI! when there are cheaper hosting options?
Greg of said...
To sum it all up, reputable information.

I've been an SBI customer since August 2007. Prior to SBI I built several websites
using a variety of different hosts, Yahoo Small Business, Microsoft Small Business,
GoDaddy and Wordpress.

None of these hosts provided any where near the amount of quality "how to" information SBI provides. The information alone is worth the price of admission, the tools and hosting are secondary.
Even though there are other cheaper web hosts available, SBI! seemed perfect for someone with no website building knowledge (but it’s a good program for experience website builders too). The program doesn't just show you how to do something; it explains to you why it's important to do it in order to get noticed and be successful online.
Sonya has two SBI! sites. She also owns
Brankica of said...
I didn't know anything about website building so I thought it would be smarter to pay a bit more since I didn't have time to do all by myself.
Since I have a full time job I don't have time to work on it much but it is making a few tenths of euros every month and starting to pay for itself.
Annie of said...
Though I know there were free blog sites and cheap hosting options, without a doubt, purchasing SBI was the best decision I could have made. I’m no longer wondering about how to build an online business…I’m doing it! You really do get what you pay for!
When I learned that I did not have to know HTML, and pay for a separate auto-responder and file management I decided to purchase SBI in January 2009. I have learned just a little html and love block-by-block. I love my online business and I have even started a second SBI site.
Mr. Potential of said...
Prior to Site Build It, I purchased hosting with other web hosts for a few dollars a month. I did not have a lot of experience then with creating, marketing or making money with a website. I quickly found out that the hosting companies didn’t provide me with the education, tools and support I needed. So in August 2009, I purchased the Site Build It subscription because it had all the things I needed in one package to be successful online. It made sense to spend more to make more money. Now I can help others do the same.
So as you can see from the comments above, all of these people knew there were cheaper options for building a website, but many of them valued the tools and the fact you need no technical knowledge to build a website.
Also notice these are REAL testimonials from REAL people with REAL websites that you can actually visit. There's nothing worse than seeing a testimonial from John P. from Los Angeles with no real evidence that he really exists. :)
SBI! is real. They have many happy customers with thriving websites, so there's no reason for me to conjur up fake testimonials.

Which is Better SBI! or Standard Hosting?

That all depends on you. You can be successful with either. I sure have. The question is,What are you most comfortable with?
If you want to save a bit of money and learn to do a lot on your own, then go withstandard hosting.
However, if you need more step-by-step guidance, don't want to worry about buying or learning how to use web software, would like help with building traffic and making money then go with SBI!.
"Better" is definitely relative. It really depends on you and your individual needs. Nevertheless, I still think SBI! is an outstanding choice if you want to make money online with a content affiliate website.

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